Preparing for Your Class Experience

What do the grown-ups do in class?
*First of all, simply enjoy taking some intentional time out of your busy schedule to have fun with your child in a playful learning environment. You may recognize musical cues that you've never noticed before. It's a wonderful time to connect as a family in a meaningful way.

What are your expectations for the children?
* Parents/caregivers are expected to participate in class in order to provide an effective, enthusiastic model for their children to follow. Wear comfy clothes you can move in! We generally sit in a circle on our mats for some songs and get up on our feet to move during others.
* Shhhh! Keep non-music related chatter to a minimum. Enhance your child's experience in class by remembering to sing! Your active participation (regardless of what you think about the quality of your musical ability) is the key to your children learning and growing musically. Since it is difficult for a young child to tune out adult conversation, please wait to socialize till after class, and instead contribute to the creation of a musical environment for the children to absorb.
* Children are invited to participate in developmentally-appropriate ways (which actually includes just sitting quietly and taking it all in during class!), but they should be guided to make safe decisions for themselves that protect the rest of the LCMT mixed-age musical community as well.
The teacher may be able to assist in engaging children, but parents/caregivers may also opt to shadow their children within the room, remain seated with their child(ren) while the class is moving or vice versa, keeping the interactions as musical as possible. Running and roughhousing are discouraged. Sitting with sticks/mallets of any kind is preferred. Caregivers may step outside the room into the lobby with their children for a short time in order to reset for sensory input or behavior as needed. The goal is for the entire class to enjoy a safe shared musical experience while acknowledging and accepting differing learning styles and personal needs.
*Instruments and props will be provided for several song activities to allow children to experiment with sounds, rhythms and movements in creative ways. While adults may understand there is a "correct" way, children may discover new ways to interact with the music using that instrument, and that's okay!
*Since instruments and props will be shared among class participants who may have allergies, no snacks or finger food are allowed during class time. Infants who need to nurse or be bottle fed during class may continue to do so.

What happens if my family has to miss a class?
*If you or your child displays symptoms of illness, such as fever, excessive coughing or runny nose that would hinder your child's participation in class or expose others to something contagious, please stay home and let your family recuperate. Each session includes a complimentary flex class video in order to encourage families to help our musical community stay healthy. Class participants will receive Covid guidelines with current guidance from the health department in the welcome newsletter sent the first week of class.
* If your family must miss class for any reason, it would be helpful to know this in advance in order to effectively prepare the class activities for the day. You may tell the teacher in person at class, send an email/Facebook message, or call/text the numbers provided in Welcome Notes information for enrolled families provided for each session in the case of a last-minute absence.
* No tuition refunds are given after the first day of class; however, a credit towards future tuition may be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the LCMT Director. If a class for the session is canceled, refunds (less amount for materials and classes taught) will be made available for those who cannot enroll in an alternate time slot.

Do you allow guests to visit?
Yes! We love to have extended family members join the little ones they love when they are visiting. It's also possible to schedule a class preview for families who are interested in joining a class at the next available opportunity. In order to protect the class experience for enrolled families, however, all guest requests must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of class and will need to be approved by LCMT Director Kelli Schneider.
Preview pop-up class participants will receive a Guest Confirmation email with the details you will need to be prepared for your class. Pop-up class fees are $25 per family, are due before class, and may be applied to tuition for the current session if you decide to enroll. Preview classes are only available for families who are new to the Lake City Music Together musical community.
When is the best time to begin taking classes?
Your infant, toddler, or preschooler is just the right age to join a Lake City Music Together class. It's never too early to begin building bonding experiences and providing support for a child's developing brain. Children are experts at learning skills at their individual growth edge, and musical activities are designed to be accessible to everyone in the room--even the grown-ups!
The Music Together curriculum is research-based and circular to provide regular opportunities for introducing and reinforcing important concepts, so there is no designated starting or ending spot. Families who cycle through the curriculum notice deeper learning when a child experiences a song at a new developmental stage.

How do I listen to the music from class?

You will have access to the exclusive song collection recording from Music Together in two formats: an optional CD and a download code which you can use in the Music Together app as well as accessing the music through the Family Music Zone at and downloading it on your favorite device.
The Music Together app and Family Music Zone contain other exclusive content for enrolled families such as full notation of each song, home activities, special bonus videos and craft ideas to extend the learning fun.