Attendance Policy
Fall 2024
Lake City Music Together will continue to follow guidance provided by national and local health experts in order to keep participants in our musical community safe during classes. Ms. Kelli is fully-vaccinated and boosted for Covid-19 as well as other communicable diseases and will continue to take active precautions to protect the members of LCMT classes.
Hand sanitizer is available for all participants to use before class, and disinfecting wipes are available for caregivers to use as needed. Shared instruments and props will be disinfected each week before being used by a new group. Families will have a "home-base" mat in the circle, but the group will move throughout the room during class.

While every effort will be made to provide the in-person class experience for which families planned, the uncertainty of gathering during a community health emergency may require flexibility with short notice. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We are unable to offer refunds due to circumstances beyond our control after class materials have been distributed and classes have begun. Music Together Online classes will be made available for families if community guidelines restrict our ability to gather as a group in person.